questions to ask girls about sex sorted by


13 Juicy Questions Men Are Dying to Ask Women

Sometimes you may not be aroused or you're feeling nervous so your vagina won't be lubricated enough for a comfortable experience.

When you were growing up did your parents talk to you about sex?

A: It's great that you're thinking about this ahead of time.

7 common questions about female masturbation answered

If you could only have sex in one position for the rest of your life, which would it be? Questions about sex essentially top the list of most awkward conversation points.

69 Insanely Flirty and Dirty Questions To Ask A Guy

What do you have trouble seeing clearly in your mind? In those moments of shame and confusion, I truly wish I had had a community of my peers to talk to about the trials and tribulations that come along with our changing bodies.

102 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend: 2021 Edition

Free condoms are available from many health clinics, sexual health agencies, and even some schools although ours does not provide free condoms at this time.

When you were growing up did your parents talk to you about sex?

What was the first sex toy you ever bought? Not of naked girls but of you post work-out, in the gym or shirtless.

13 Juicy Questions Men Are Dying to Ask Women

Do you like role play? What is the dirtiest thing you ever thought about me? No condom substitute balloon, plastic baggie, sock—whatever will provide the same level of protection, and some can do more harm than good.

54 Sexy, Flirty Questions to Ask a Partner

Sex with a same sex partner most definitely counts as sex.

What teens really want to know about sex

Are you comfortable enough to start sexting with me? Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex? However, you can say that when a man and a woman love each other, they like to be close to one another.

100+ Dirty Questions to Ask a Girl

When was the last time you cried in front of someone else? What part of your body do you enjoy the most on a women? Did you ever purposely wear tight clothes to flaunt your curves? Note: Some of these questions are rather explicit.

50 Awkward Questions to Ask a Girl

What body part do you like me to touch the most? For whatever reason I did not have these conversations and I wish I had.

80 Sex Questions to Ask a Girl to Find Out What She Likes in Bed

What is the for you? Are you doing anything that turns him off? And they have a lot of questions.